Martes, Enero 28, 2014


I think one of hardest things about being a woman is the way we think and changing it from time to time.
It is never easy battling with the brand of shampoo you wanna try every morning or what kind of hair you wanna pull off.

Factors that affect this would be, One, our instincts that could joggle 3 (or more) possible things that could happen  when we stick to a decision ; Two , could be our creativity that would think one good option while at the same time formulating a better one and in the process  we would eventually make a lot of options. 

Either way I think women are settling for the best. 

Even as a child I experience this picky mind , on how I see myself in the future, choosing a career to be specific. I dreamt of being a mermaid and a princess and I wanted to live with sparkle and anything beautiful,until I finally went to school and admire my teacher more than all the princesses and sea royals. I there say over them being a teacher is a better option.

I started to write on walls, think and act wholeheartedly like a teacher. Being a teacher at 9 y/o was quite hard, for I still have errands and homework to do, and l feel so workaholic.

On my desire to teach someday, I have learned from the best.
My mother is my first teacher and teaching requires authority with love, teachers have the power to influence.

My teacher in third grade Miss Valencia inspired me to be the best and so I wanted to inspire others as she did to me. Because of her I learned that teaching is a passion that inspires.

My father taught me values I will never learn in school, life lessons that will forever teach me to be a good person and sharing the goodness in you to achieve your goals and ambitions.  He then let me knew that teaching requires Leadership.

Part of me would always love to teach. But wait there’s more.

 I was born to dream adventure, when I was in High school I knew that career involves the things you’re good at.

This were my years when my instincts tell me that I’ll make a good journalist. And so I worked hard in learning and fell in love with this option. I became an editor in our school organ, became a speaker, met fellow dreamers and recognized.

However, I also wanted to be an astronaut, a billionaire, a pediatrician, a traveler, a lawyer.

I still have a lot of stories to tell but I might as well, share what made this stories meaningful.

My world is full of wonders, I never ran out of questions and I always seek for something new. My options of dreams which some I may fit or not made me learn to value my strengths and accept my weaknesses. I am never as free and as ideal when I dream but my journey begins when I take the courage to make it real.

Career for me is more than a job or a tool for survival, it’s about a purpose. I admire people living their purpose so gracefully that I wanted to be like them. But carefully, I’m learning that it is unique to each and every one to find our core as a human being.
That the day will come that we no longer risk with our instincts and there’s no more options to choose from, but to live our lives to the fullest.

Career is how you choose to spend your life wisely and fruitfully.

Lunes, Enero 13, 2014



Smiling is a privilege we enjoy the most.
Happiness at home made the Filipinos emerged as the third happiest people in Asia in 2013. 
The Philippines was named the third happiest among five countries in Asia assessed for innovations firm Eden Strategy Institute’s Happiness Index.  
Philippines scored 90 points in the Happiness Index which the Eden said is based on more than 200 million social media accounts.

To be a Filipino is to always find joy in simple things.
On a sunny day a shade is worth a smile. 
Filipinos are always generous to share a smile.
It is our value to enjoy what we have and see all the good things despite any circumstance. 
Filipinos surprised the world for wearing a smile responding to typhoon Yolanda that caused catastrophic damage on much part of Visayas and Mindanao particularly   Cebu, Samar, Leyte, Iloilo, Capiz, Antique, and Aklan. 

Philippines as a country is once again united to help our fellow citizens in need. There are ample ways to help such as the trend of #YolandaPH #YolandaRelief #ReliefPH using social media it is easier to track the people in need and all relief operations all over the country making generosity flow expansively. 
Organizations, Businessmen, Educational Institutions, Celebrities and Filipino families are all united to help. 
Benefit concerts, discounts and different cause were also unlimited up to the present to aid the victims of typhoon Yolanda.
Our need for help is also heard all over the world different races lend a hand for us to rise again.

   LOUD and PROUD : "Bagyo ka lang!, Pilipino kami!"
For me it is important for us to grieve for our loss but it is part of acceptance and moving forward that we ,Filipinos, are capable of.
Filipinos always find a way to adapt, enjoy or to create something new, even in our difficult times. Despite poverty, natural disasters and misfortunes we always have something to smile about. 
Filipino spirit was indeed waterproof.

I can never say that I know and understand how the victims of the typhoon feels nor speak of what happened all I can say is that the courage they have is beyond my words, and I have faith that in time their hearts will find a way to smile again. 

Only Filipinos can make a feast out of a plate of noodles. 

Panandalian mang binagyo ni Yolanda ang ngiti sa pamilyang Pilipino, hindi niya pa rin maalis na Pilipino tayo. Lahi ng mga taong masaya. Para sa mga pusong nawalan darating ang oras , na para sa mga mahal natin , matututo tayo muling ngumiti.  
Mula sa akin ay isang tula para sa inyo.  
